
Contractor SEO Done Right! | A Guide to SEO for Contractors


The Contractor SEO Guide You Need

SEO for Contractors

Why do you need contractor SEO? People looking for contractors or service providers in their area no longer turn to the Yellow Pages to find the most suitable candidates. Thanks to technological advancements over the past few decades, people can now pick up their smartphones and find local services after a quick Google search. This means that for businesses to thrive, it’s important to create a good online presence. Suppose you’ve already enlisted the help of an SEO company for contractors and have not seen any growth. In that case, it may be time to switch to a contractor SEO company that knows how to create an effective SEO strategy to help your website and, ultimately, your business grow. At Get Found Fast, we are experts at search engine optimization and digital marketing and can help your local business grow into a national or international brand. Contact us today to find out more about the services we offer!

Click here to see how our SEO marketing strategy helped Interstate Roofing, Inc. Increase Sales and Revenue.

Understanding Contractor SEO Services

Contractor SEO

The best marketing approach to take is SEO for contractors when promoting your contractor services. It uses both on-page and off-page features to your advantage. Since search engines like Google are driven by algorithms, it is critical to implement a range of SEO tactics to rank well on search results. These algorithms determine how a web browser identifies your website, crawls its content and metadata, and classifies it through a process called indexing. You will need to pay special attention to four main aspects when developing your online marketing strategy. They are content, local SEO, technical SEO, and link building, which we will discuss in greater detail later. Because Get Found Fast has extensive experience and expertise when it comes to search engine rankings and marketing a business online, we can offer you a custom contractor SEO strategy that is sure to improve your search rankings.


Why Is Search Engine Optimization Important?

With everything from routine checkups at the doctor to online shopping taking place in front of screens, a contractor needs a suitable contractor SEO plan if it wants to stand out from the competition and gain potential leads from search engine traffic. Half of all clients browse for services and products online, according to the UN Conference on Trade and Development. Furthermore, HubSpot discovered that more than 60 percent of all smartphone owners engage with a company they found through a Google search.

Contractor SEO

The majority of consumers shop online or find service providers online because it is convenient, quick, and dependable. According to a HubSpot Academy survey, 59 percent of shoppers feel the internet speeds up their decision-making process. What about SEO from the perspective of a business owner? According to the same HubSpot study, 86 percent of marketing specialists use organic traffic (which comes from their SEO efforts) as their major lead-generating tool. Besides, with an average conversion rate of 15 percent on SEO leads, what reason is there for a contracting company not to invest in various SEO efforts?

What SEO for Contractors Can Do for Your Business

The most obvious advantage of contractor SEO is a better search engine ranking. However, it isn’t the only advantage, and as search engines become more important in consumer behavior, these other advantages will become more apparent. Engaging SEO specialists has a number of advantages, including better brand awareness, a reduction in marketing costs, and more! Here are a few reasons why you should use our contractor SEO agency.

  1. Reduce Your Marketing Costs

Reducing marketing cost

Although the contractor SEO process involves an investment, employing this approach will give you a broader reach than other marketing methods. Your efforts will pay off in the long run. As your site becomes more authoritative and valuable in the eyes of search engines, you’ll be able to raise its prominence no matter when or where your target audience is looking for contractors. This means that you will not need to invest in other marketing efforts, saving you time and money!

  1. Better Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

Building a prominent brand doesn’t just help customers remember you. It also helps you rank better in search results because search engines assign greater authority to websites with successful brands. The truth is that it may be necessary to conduct multiple searches before deciding which contractor to contact. People begin to recall your company’s name if it appears frequently in these search results. It won’t be long before they abandon the web browser and head straight to your website.

  1. Greater ROI

Return On Investment

All businesses exist for one main purpose: to generate a profit or return on investment (ROI). You have to see a return on your investment, no matter how much you invested. While SEO is a long-term approach that does not produce quick results, it does produce considerable results. When your SEO efforts are driven by a team of experienced, award-winning professionals, you will see the fruit of your SEO labor! When it comes to contractors, this means more telephone calls, requests for quotations, and chances to boost revenue and expand your business.

  1. Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage

Because they have more money and larger marketing budgets, large corporations will always surpass you when it comes to traditional marketing approaches. However, because search engines determine how a website or webpage will rank, our website may outrank these large businesses if you focus your efforts on contractor SEO. This marketing strategy gives smaller businesses a chance to be seen, helping them grow, expand, and thrive in their niche.

What Helps Search Engines Rank Your Site Highly

As mentioned before, there are four elements that make a significant difference when it comes to digital marketing. We discuss these in greater detail in the sections below to give you an idea of what you can expect when you choose our personalized SEO strategy.

On-page SEO

The first stage in your SEO plan should be to create high-quality content. Anything that has to do with how you advertise your business online is referred to as content. This will include your blog, home page, social media posts, landing page, and more are all examples of on-page content.

Click here to see how our SEO marketing strategy helped Interstate Roofing, Inc. Increase Sales and Revenue.


On-page SEO

On-page SEO refers to optimizing the individual elements on your website’s pages. It’s about making your content relevant to what people are searching for and ensuring that search engines can understand your website. Here’s what a contractor needs to prioritize:

  • Keyword Research:

    • Target relevant terms: Identify the search terms potential customers use (e.g., “kitchen remodeler [city]”, “roofing contractor near me”).
    • Use tools: Ahrefs, SEMrush, or even Google Keyword Planner can help you find keywords and their search volume.
  • Optimize content:

    • Title tags: Your main keyword should be near the front of the title tag (ideally within the first 60 characters).
    • Meta Descriptions: Write compelling descriptions (around 150-160 characters) that encourage click-throughs, including a call to action.
    • Header tags (H1, H2, etc.): Organize content with headers, using keywords naturally. You should have only one H1 tag per page.
    • Body Copy: Use your keywords throughout the text, but don’t overdo it (“keyword stuffing”). Focus on clear, helpful content.
    • Image alt text: Accurately describe images using keywords. This helps visually impaired users and search engines.
  • Internal Linking: Link to relevant pages within your site using descriptive anchor text (e.g., instead of “click here”, use “learn about our kitchen remodeling services”). This builds topical authority.

  • URL Structure: Keep URLs clean, short, and keyword-focused (e.g., www.mysite.com/denver-plumbing-services)

Additional On-Page Considerations

  • Mobile-friendliness: Google prioritizes mobile-responsive websites. Test yours on different devices or use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool: https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly.
  • Page Speed: Slow loading pages hurt user experience and rankings. Use a tool like GTMetrix: https://gtmetrix.com/ to analyze and improve speed.

Actionable Checklist for Contractors

  1. Conduct keyword research to understand what your ideal clients are searching for.
  2. Optimize title tags and meta descriptions on all key pages.
  3. Use your target keywords strategically in header tags and throughout your website text.
  4. Add alt text to all images, using descriptive language and keywords.
  5. Create a strong internal linking structure to connect related pages within your site.
  6. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly.

Remember: On-page SEO is just one piece of the puzzle. A holistic SEO strategy also includes technical SEO, backlink building, and high-quality content creation.

Local SEO

Local SEO

The goal of SEO is to make your online visibility for any search phrase. Local SEO focuses on promoting your business inside your specific geographical region, which is particularly useful for small businesses trying to rank higher than their competition in local searches. Depending on your needs, we will design a custom local SEO strategy to help your contracting business improve its local ranking.

Local SEO is essential for contractors, who primarily serve customers in a specific geographic area. Here’s how to optimize your website and online presence to attract clients nearby:

  • Google My Business (GMB):

    • Claim and Verify: Claim your Google My Business profile or create one if you don’t have it. Verify your business to manage your information.
    • Complete your profile: Fill out all fields, including your business name, address, phone number (NAP), hours, services, and photos.
    • Optimize descriptions: Use keywords naturally in your business description.
    • Encourage Reviews: Ask happy customers to leave reviews on your GMB profile. Reviews boost your trustworthiness and ranking.
    • Respond to Reviews: Thank customers for positive reviews, addressing any issues raised in negative ones.
  • Local Business Listings:

    • Major Directories: Ensure your business information (NAP) is accurate on directories like Yelp, Yellow Pages, Angie’s List, HomeAdvisor, and industry-specific sites.
    • Consistency is Key: Check that your business information is exactly the same across all listings.
  • Location-Specific Pages:

    • If you serve multiple areas: Create individual pages for each city or region. Each should be optimized for local keywords (e.g., “deck repair services [city name]”).
  • Schema Markup: Use this code to give search engines more structured information about your business, helping them understand your location and services. (Your web developer can help with this.)

  • Local Citations: Get your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) listed on relevant local websites, even without a direct link to your own site. Think local news sites, community blogs, etc.

Actionable Checklist for Contractors:

  1. Claim and optimize your Google My Business profile.
  2. Build citations in major directories and industry-specific websites.
  3. Create location-specific content if you serve multiple areas.
  4. Add schema markup to your website with the help of a developer.
  5. Seek out local citations on community websites and relevant local publications.

Additional Considerations:

  • Voice Search: Optimize for conversational queries, as local searches are often done through voice assistants (e.g., “best roofers near me”).
  • Community Involvement: Sponsor local events, partner with charities, and get involved in your community. This indirectly builds local brand awareness and can lead to online mentions.

Remember: Local SEO takes time and consistency. Keep your listings up-to-date and encourage customer reviews to build your local search presence.

Technical SEO

Many SEO companies tend to neglect technical SEO when devising digital marketing strategies. However, this is an important element for businesses that want to rank highly. Technical SEO involves focusing on the technical aspects of your website, such as web design, speed, and more, to improve the user experience when browsing your site.

Technical SEO focuses on the behind-the-scenes elements of your website that impact how well search engines crawl and understand your content. Here’s what contractors need to keep in mind:

  • Site Speed:

    • Test your speed: Use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights or GTMetrix to measure your website’s loading time.
    • Optimize images: Compress large image files before uploading to reduce file size without sacrificing quality.
    • Minimize plugins: Use only essential plugins and keep them updated. Too many can slow down your site.
    • Consider a CDN: A Content Delivery Network can distribute your site’s load to speed up things for geographically distant users.
  • Mobile-friendliness:

    • Test with Google: Ensure that your site looks and functions flawlessly on different devices using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool (https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly).
    • Responsive design: Make sure your website’s design adapts to different screen sizes and provides a seamless user experience.
  • Crawlability and Indexation:

    • Submit a sitemap: An XML sitemap helps search engines discover all the important pages on your site.
    • Check your robots.txt file: This file provides instructions to search engines. Make sure you’re not accidentally blocking important pages.
    • Fix broken links: Identify and fix 404 errors (broken links) with tools like Google Search Console.
  • Structured Data:

    • Implement Schema markup: Use appropriate Schema markup (like LocalBusiness Schema) to provide structured information about your business, services, and location, assisting search engines in better understanding your content.
  • HTTPS Security:

    • Secure your site: Ensure your website has an SSL certificate (https:// at the beginning of your URL). This establishes trust with users and is a ranking signal.

Actionable Checklist for Contractors

  1. Check your website’s loading speed and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Test how your site appears on mobile devices and address any issues.
  3. Create and submit a sitemap to Google Search Console.
  4. Ensure there are no errors in your robots.txt file that could prevent search engines from crawling.
  5. Use a tool to find and fix broken links.
  6. Explore adding Schema markup (a developer might be needed for this).
  7. Make sure your website uses HTTPS for security.

Additional Notes:

  • Don’t neglect technical SEO: While content is essential, a poorly optimized site can hinder your ranking regardless of how good your content is.
  • Consider a web developer: If you’re not tech-savvy, a web developer can help you with site speed optimization, structured data implementation, and other technical fixes.

Link Building

Link Building

Backlinks from other authoritative websites show Google that your site is relevant and authoritative in your field. The purpose of link building is to create a diverse backlink profile, which we will help you achieve. What types of companies can benefit from SEO for contractors? Anybody who works as a general contractor! Electricians, plumbers, construction companies, landscapers, roofers, and home builders, are all included and will help you rank well!

Link building involves getting other websites to link back to yours. These “backlinks” are powerful signals to Google that your site is authoritative and trustworthy. Here are some effective ways for contractors to build high-quality links:

  • Guest Blogging:

    • Find relevant sites: Look for home improvement blogs, local business websites, or industry publications that accept guest contributions.
    • Offer valuable content: Pitch blog post ideas that showcase your expertise (e.g., “5 Essential Tips for Spring Roof Maintenance”). Naturally include a link back to your site in your author bio.
  • Resource Page Link Building:

    • Identify resource lists: Search for “[your industry] resources”, “best [your service] blogs,” etc.
    • Pitch your value: If those pages are missing a valuable resource (like your site), contact the owner and suggest adding your link.
  • Local Partnerships:

    • Collaborate with complementary businesses: Partner with non-competing businesses (e.g., a realtor and a home improvement contractor) to cross-promote each other’s websites.
  • Broken Link Building:

    • Use tools: Ahrefs or similar tools can help find broken links on relevant sites.
    • Suggest your resource: If you have a page that could replace the broken link, contact the site owner about the issue and offer your solution.
  • HARO (Help a Reporter Out):

    • Become a source: Sign up for HARO and respond to journalist queries in your field of expertise. If quoted, you often get a backlink.
  • Testimonials and Reviews:

    • Proactive approach: If you did exceptional work, ask a happy client to leave a testimonial on a relevant site with a link back to your website.

Actionable Checklist for Contractors

  1. Start a simple list of potential guest blogging sites in your niche.
  2. Search for resource pages where your website would be a logical fit.
  3. List a few local businesses that might be good partners for cross-promotion.
  4. Run a quick broken link check on a relevant industry blog or two.
  5. Sign up for HARO and monitor for relevant media opportunities.

Important Notes:

  • Quality over quantity: Focus on getting backlinks from reputable, relevant websites.
  • Avoid spammy tactics: Don’t buy links or engage in shady link exchange schemes. This can hurt your rankings.
  • Be patient: Link building takes time. Focus on consistent, natural strategies to build trust with search engines.

Final Thoughts

The truth is that SEO isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Therefore, you should jump on the online marketing bandwagon and start growing your presence online with our professional and effective SEO services! Contractors need to take advantage of everything SEO can do for them. Our skilled team can help you improve your backlink profile, keyword research, enhance your local SEO, and even upgrade your site’s technical capability. Are you curious about how we can assist you and get your contractor SEO done right? To schedule a consultation, please contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

We answer some of your most pressing questions about contractor SEO for local businesses in the section below.

  1. What Is SEO?

The process of modifying and generating online content and coding that helps websites rank well on major search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing is referred to as SEO. Your site must first be designed so that a search engine can locate and crawl it. In addition, the site must be secure, fast, and include a mobile version. You’ll also need several web pages of original, unique, and optimized content. Finally, you must obtain references, backlinks, and citations from other sites to improve your ranking.

  1. What Contractor SEO Services Do We Offer?

When you sign up for our contractor SEO services, we will provide the following services:

  • Help with the technical aspects of your website
  • Tailor-made SEO campaigns
  • An SEO audit if you’re already working with an SEO company
  • Assistance with on-page elements
  • Getting your business in front of potential customers through local SEO strategies
  • Help with keyword research


  1. How Can SEO for Contractors Help My Small Business Grow?

By focusing on your SEO strategy and improving your ranking on search engines, you can reach your target market without investing large amounts of money on marketing. Since search engines look at a site’s authority, small businesses have the opportunity to reach more customers than ever before.

  1. What Sets Get Found Fast Apart from Other SEO Service Providers?

When you work with us for your contractor SEO needs, here are some of the advantages you can expect:

  • A dedicated account manager to handle your account and answer any questions you may have
  • Access to an award-winning, expert marketing team
  • SEO analytics and reporting
  • Traffic pattern analytics


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